>>PLEASE VIEW WITH COURIER 10<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assault on Dantooine (DANTOOINE.GOB) -- Developed By Alex Conrad -- ezrhino95@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Version - Some Problems Fixed! CREATED ON A POWER MACINTOSH 7500/100! ------------------- DANTOOINE.GOB STATISTICS: ------------------- Levels replaced ---------- SECBASE Dificulty levels --------- Not implemented New .BMs ---------------- YES! New .FMEs ---------------- YES! New .WAXs ---------------- YES! New .3DOs ---------------- YES! New .VOCs ---------------- YES! New .GMDs ---------------- NO ------------------- CREATION: ------------------- BASE ----- New level from scratch EDITORS ----- Dark Forge v0.993 Dark Forge v1.0b2 Dark Forge 1.0 Dark Forge 1.0.1 INFEdit v0.11 BBEditIt BBEdit Lite 2.5.1 BUGS ----- A few HOM's (see bottom) FILES ----- DANTOOINE.GOB DANTOOINE.TXT DANTOOINE.BAT ------------------- THANKS TO: ------------------- BRAD OLIVER for Dark Forge and GOB Viewer. **http://www.primenet.com/~bradman/darkforces.html** ARIS PATERAKIS for INFEdit, all that tech support and help on correcting my corrupted files. Couldn't have done it with out you, Aris! **http://www.contact.net/judo/dark.html** JERETH KOK for the ÒComplete Explanation of the Dark Forces INF File.Ó That saved me! ALAN NEWMAN for some beautiful .VOCs. DAVID LOVEJOY for help on VOCs **http://www.muzik.com/ryloth/** ALAN SUEHIRO for fixing some problems that caused memory crashes, and other things. ------------------ TESTERS ------------------ Pat Goodwin, Kane Blackwood, Aris Paterakis, Christopher Dobias ------------------ OTHER STUFF: ------------------ Please mail me <> and tell me what you think of my level. It is my first level and I can really use some suggestions on how to improve on future levels. ------------------ COPYRIGHT/PERMISSION: ------------------ ** Authors MAY NOT (sorry) use this level as a base for other levels!! ** Authors MAY distribute .GOB ONLY if there have been no modifications made to it or any other part of the level, and if it is distributed FREE OF CHARGE!! ** Authors MAY NOT take credit for my work!! ------------------ THE MISSION: ------------------ Alliance Intelligence agents have found evidence of Imperial activity on the Dantooine, a remote planet far from the centers of civilization. This outpost was previously thought deserted by the Imperials after Palpatine died. Deeper intelligence survellance scans reveal that the master bounty hunter himself, Boba Fett is personally overseeing this operation for Warlord Zinj. You will be inserted on the world on an unmarked Correllian stock freighter YT-1300, posing as a cargo deliverer. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to find out what is going on down there and destroy the outpost by planting a sequencer charge that will detonate after you have left the planet. Annihilate any Imperial resistance. Good luck, Kyle Katarn, and may the force be with you! ------------------ MISSION OBJECTIVES: ------------------ ** Kill Boba Fett ** Place sequencer charge ------------------ WAXs, FMEs, VOCs, and 3DOs ------------------ THANKS A LOT TO EVERYONE WHO CREATED ANYTHING LISTED BELOW: 3DOs: TIE Bomber, TIE Fighter (TIENEW.3DO), TIE Interceptor (TIEINT2.3DO), TIE Defender, TIE Advanced, Land Speeder, Millenium Falcon YT-1300, Slave I, R2-D2 (R2DROID1.3DO, R2HEAD1.3DO), R2-AG4 (R2DROID2, R2HEAD2) FMEs: Figrin D'an, Bar Man WAXs: TIE Pilot, Han Troop (Stormtrooper w/no helmet), Grand Admiral, Comm Officer, Field Trooper2, Field Trooper3, Max Rebo VOCs: Cantina Band (BAND.VOC), Kyle saying: ÒF--k you, Dark Trooper!Ó (ALSKYL01.VOC) BMs: PUTER.BM, WARBORD.BM ------------------ Halls of Mirrors ------------------ If you get caught up in one of my HOMs, just turn on your automap, and teleport to a place right in front of you (press the <`> or <~> key, and move the little red dot to where you want to go, and type LANTFH, for those of you woh didn't know) There is one HOM in the cave with all the sewage that is unavoidable, but it will not cause any trouble to your game (I hope). Just try to ignore it, and it will go away. It does for me, anyway. ----------------- I strongle suggest that you use your automap. Hope you enjoy it!! Don't forget to send your comments. :) (Try and find the TIE Pilots lounge!)